Sir Alex Fraser Tytler quote:
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complaceny to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependency back again into bondage.
The Tytler Cycle is probably one of my favorite topics in the entire world. I find it to be so true that's it's scary. I absolutely love cycles because I think we as humans move in cycles, everything we do in life some how has a cycle. Not only do we have our own personal cycles for life but they go much bigger, I'm talking state, country, world and universe. If we knew more about these cycles I'm convinced that maybe we can change the workings of them to benefit us a little more. In fact we have but sadly the knowledge is dying which throws us right back into the cycle. Now let me explain...
The Tytler cycle is proof that history truly is repeated and obviously those who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it. Alexander Tytler used his vast knowledge of history to find a common cycle, a cycle that has repeated itself almost from what Tytler figured the beginning of time. Tytler came to the conclusion that his cycle happened about every 200 years sometimes it happened in much less time, but never more than 200 years. In 1776 a new nation was formed that would for the first time break this famous cycle. That nation is America, she has gone 234 years before finishing the cycle. So what was it that made America so different? Who helped us last so long? Who built this so strong? Why have we lasted so long? Well first lets go through the cycle using the magnificent United States of America as an example;
First we start in bondage just like the early Americans to England. A society must start with bondage begin the cycle. Bondage is an awful state. It's a state that leaves humans unable to rule their own lives and to worship their own God. What most in bondage don't realize is that they have the power of freedom, they just have to choose, unfortunately because of a lack of knowledge they don't always know they can choose. We must remember in the end it has to be up those enslaved to choose their freedom, if someone else does it for them they are a) Essentially enslaved to that person and b) They will go through the cycle again much more quickly.
Spiritual Faith:
This is when the people start to get smart and start to think for themselves usually this means they turn completely to a higher power. This is such a powerful part of the cycle it's that moment when they gain enough knowledge that they know they have the choice. Again it's all through that higher power, when we choose to turn to a higher power it allows us to step outside of the situation and see a bigger picture.
They then gather the strength and the knowledge and the drive to do something about their situation, no matter how scared they may be. Nothing else matters but sweet Liberty and Freedom.
Liberty: “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” as stated in The Declaration of independence as being our God given rights. Which means we naturally want Liberty. Liberty is the sweet taste of freedom after being in bondage. I think this is one of my favorite parts about the Tytler cycle because there is nothing more perfect in society or a person than truly finding liberty!
America has stayed here for the longest time of any society. Around the US it is known as the American dream. This is a wonderful place to be but as humans we quickly begin to take our abundance for granted. Good job American people for working hard to keep us here so long. We all have reaped incredible blessings and achievements that has brought our race far.
Ha, now comes pride a society has been sitting in the high seat and they start to think they are all that. They also start to lose connection to their core belief and their higher power. Well my fellow American's I am bold enough to say that we are at least here... maybe further. We have without a doubt reached a selfish state. We are drowned in our abundance and our "I need it right now" attitude and it is bringing us down as a country. Pride and selfishness are the most dangerous traits we have to deal with during this mortal life.
Pride takes hold and some sort of government has become too strong and starts to take advantage of the pride of the people. They also start to forget the knowledge passed to them. Okay maybe we are here... Again those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it. We have allowed our pride to take a hold. The worst thing part of this stage is that we put education into the hands of the Government. This is wrong, our founding fathers knew the destructive power of letting federal government run the education. It is meant to be governed on a state local level. This is a major part of society break down, when the education becomes controlled and corrupted the people become controlled corrupted, it's as simple as that.
The people start to slowly give up their God given rights without even knowing it. They bow more and more to a new power a government or tyrant. They become too lazy to know things for themselves and start to just fall to the good things the leaders say. It's easier when someone does the work for you. This is the death of the American dream!
This is the last straw according to Tytler’s cycle. This when the Society has let the government or tyrant get so big that it rules their lives. This is when the people have given up all God given rights and have stopped learning and thinking for themselves. They depend on their Government or leader to take care of everything so they don’t have to.
And right back to Bondage....
So where are we now? Well my friends that is up to you to decide...
So back to the cycle. What factors have created a society that can beat this cycle? Our founding fathers were brilliant men I don't care what you may say about their life styles, i honestly feel that those men were prepared by God to create this country on the promised land. Yes they were not perfect but that is simply because they were men! I will go to the grave defending the character and honor of these men. They pulled lessons from the civilizations in the past on what not to do. In other words they knew their history, very well.
After we had the men we needed wise words to keep us grounded. Words that had base of good things from the past all equalling up to new ideas. Of course there is the Declaration of Independence, a diplomatic way to declare to the king "hey dude we want our independence." Not just that but a inspiring fuel for the people. Then there is The Constitution an iron clad document to ensure that the people always be more powerful than it's Government, that is as long as the people remain educated. Along with the Constitution is the Bill of Rights, another new idea for the people to easily and simply remember that they have God given rights! All these were new things based in old wisdom to help build a country to last!
So I know you are getting a little board but hey this is my blog, but one more thing to be known about what has made us last! Here is a list of ideas, documents, peoples and other sources that helped educate our Founding fathers!
Former ideas that we took from:
Iroquois nation:
- A great many thoughts that became a permanent part of our constitution were gathered from the Constitution of the Iroquois Nation.
-An agreement that bonded together, at first five, and then later, seven different tribes together under one confederacy.
-Guaranteed peace and prosperity and a united force from Upper state New York, down to Florida
John Locke:
Researcher, philosopher, economist, physician, political operative
Writes many works that influence founding fathers
Statue in Jeffersons home
brought new ideas of government
brought new ideas about people and how they think and religion
- “All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.
John Locke“ (http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/john_locke.html)
-God given rights
Thomas Hobbes:
Leviathan most famous work
Moral and political philosopher
New political ideas still seen today
science as part of government
new way of human nature
Laws must be based on understanding human nature
David Hume:
Scottish enlightenment
politics, history, economics etc.
most famous for ideas of economics
Gives a powerful understanding of the importance of a free market system.
The Roman Republic:
Not the empire the republic
What did and did not work
The road system
the ways to fight
government for the people
Works that helped inspire our actions:
The Bible:
The core book of the founders
Their moral code
spiritual faith
higher power
foundation for everything they wrote and stood for
The Magna Carta:
- 1215
A law above the king
first protection of the people
bound the tyrant
really new ideas of maybe the people having a bit more power
founders used this as base to write the Constitution
still lives today
a moral code
The founding fathers used their knowledge of the past and what has and has not worked and they built a new country on all of these ideas. They took the new ones as well and meshed them into the mix to create the longest lasting society, a society which has yet to fall into bondage again. Let us educate our selves in order to speed through the nasty parts of the cycle. That is Michayla's passionate moment of the day! Hope you all enjoyed!