Colorado is my forever home and forever my favorite place on earth! January 17, 2011 was the first day of being a big girl, that was the day I checked into Disney College Program. The Disney College program was supposed to keep me in Florida for about four months, that four months turned into two years....
I will always owe Florida big time for the friends and the Michayla that was found there in the heat and humidity. AND of course the stories I have a lot of Florida adventures and stories but you might have to ask more to see if I'd ever tell you them...
New Jersey: I also got to go to New Jersey for what was supposed to be a couple days, of course it turned into an adventure! I went out there to visit an old roommate Alissa. I booked my flight and then Irene the hurricane decided she wanted to head that way too. I decided I would just go for it! Of course those couple days ended up being more like five days but I had a lot of fun. Playing on the beach, adventures, great pizza, new friends, drops and other random awesome times on the boardwalk. Of course the other adventure of Irene the hurricane... WE LIVED! It blew in and we snuggled down in the basement, power went out and wind blew hard, but we were fine. Just another adventure!

Kentucky: First state we drove through was Kentucky. I liked Kentucky, it wasn't too bad. Drove by where the Kentucky derby is held listened to great music and had good talks with one of my very bestest friends...
Tennessee: I could live in Tennessee... Beautiful mountains (not as big and beautiful as Colorado but still nice), beautiful weather, and of course interesting people (just like everywhere). Drove through lovely Nashville and of course the traffic of Nashville...
Georgia: We made it to Georgia, far enough we better stay! We found a pretty nice hotel in Georgia to stay the night. AND Hannah had her first Big Mac!!!!!!!! Woooo historic moments taking place here!! Next day we woke up and headed the rest of the way to Florida with a quick stop at the welcome center for fresh orange juice. We talked more about about deep things that the world wouldn't understand and belated out to songs like American Pie and We are Young!!! Overall one of the greatest road trips of all time and my very first road trip with just me and a friend!!! It was a success and an adventure!!

South Carolina: Ok so while we were in Georgia we decided to hope the river in Savannah and head to South Carolina we found a really scary narrow bridge a really gorgeous beach and a couple lighthouses!

Mississippi: Then a quick jump through Mississippi. Not too much to tell but always adventure, stopping to pee, getting giggly after a long day of driving and starting to get a lot colder!

Louisiana: This is where we stayed the night at a very sketchy Motel 6 right outside of New Orleans. Fun part about night I drive an awesome Toyota Tundra named John Wayne but sad thing is no shell, I didn't want my life stollen from the back which means everywhere we stay we have to unload everything, and load it again in the morning (Kaylei was so patient with her crazy OCD packer ME)... So it's late at night, two young girls, two dogs, a cat, outside New Orleans, sketchy Motel and we have to unload everything... Let's just say it was an adventure and I have a scary dog! Well after a sleepless spring in the back filled night we survived! We decided to go on adventure! So we left the stuff in the room and drove to New Orleans. Not my favorite city to drive in but lots of fun (once we got out of the scary side and found the river area.) We had yummy beignets explored, bought Mardi Gras beed's, watched a street magician, took a lot of pictures, saw a river boat annnd the Joan of Arc statue (making my life complete). Then it was time to hit the road, but not without more adventure. Ran to the motel meticulously packed the truck and left... Then the check engine light went on... Did a check out of the car... No oil so we fixed that (with the help of a very nice man in a busy Wal-Mart parking lot... Don't worry we were very careful.) Now on the road again!!
Texas: The lone Star state aka the state that last FOREVER!! I still really love it and hey LOTS of cows... And cowboys! We spent a lot of time in Texas but loved every minute of it! First stop peeing (kind of a given for our group. I know ever bathroom and rest area from here to Florida). First night was stayed in Houston at another less sketchy Motel 6, not much here just a night in and off the next morning, with the horrible scary Texas drivers (sorry Texas friends but I thought we were gonna die haha). Then we drove and drove ate Whataburger for the first time (Yum) peed and made it to San Antonio and yet another semi sketchy Motel 6! We saw a lot of awesome things here. We saw the Alamo (don't worry I will never forget), and we went to the river walk and because it was almost Christmas and lit up beautifully! Loved it we walked along ate really good Mexican food, shopped and listened to the Christmas choirs on the boats, so awesome and so beautiful! Of course we had to Journey on... We hoped a stop in Fredricksburg a really cute fun German town. Of course because it was Christmas time they were all decorated with the cutest decoration, yup I could live there, stopped by a couple stores took the dogs out and walked around on photo adventure in a cute place! Then off to Lebanon Texas where Kaylei lovely friend lives! We stayed at her house which was so wonderful and heavenly compared to to a Motel 6 and she cooked an amazing meal, aw it was wonderful, dogs got to run in the backyard and we got to sit and enjoy each others company, it was so fantastic and the best part was NO UNLOADING THE TRUCK!!! Next day it was off we went!! That was the day we left Texas, not without Kaylei getting pulled over and given a warning for going 5 over in the middle of no where!

New Mexico: Not much happening here just beautiful land first glances of little bits of snow and a couple pictures oh yes and a pee break because that's what we do!
We made it to Colorado!! After a scary drive through Raton Pass by Trinidad it was smooth sailing all the way home!!! Stopped at a couple bathrooms, got Kaylei a railroad spike took more picture and away we went! Dropped Kaylei off and headed to my hills!! The end to this epic adventure!!
Illinois: This trip was totally aside from that other trip this was a business trip turned awesome! My dad had to go to Chicago for a meeting. He was like "hey you eve gone to Chicago" I was all like "uh no, never." So I got to go (perks of owning a small business). We flew in and it was shockingly warm and rainy. Next day not so much by the third (and last) day it was one of the coldest places ever! Anyway stories and adventures. After his meeting that second day we went to downtown we drove around and looked at the magnitude of the city then we parked over by the museum and walked around the city saw a lot of cool buildings and because I'm me took a lot of pictures! We saw the weird Bean which turned out to be totally awesome. We saw the Chicago Tribune building which is now probably one of my favorite buildings. Then we got cold and my dad made me grab my first taxi (you think after all this time I would have gone in a taxi before, nope). That was pretty neat and lets not forget that it it a $50 fee if you vomit in one! We were so cold so we went to the field museum which was really cool saw mummies and dinosaurs, basically we learned... My favorite thing! Then we grabbed my cousin who goes to school there and had yummy Chicago pizza (it was so wonderful to see her it's been years). Next day was fly out day but not without a very cold stop by Lincoln Park and the free zoo! Basically an awesome time in Chicago!
Well friends those are some of my random state adventures in the last two years! Hope you all have a magical day!!