The Michaylaist manifesto
By Michayla
In the dictionary a manifesto is defined as being a public declaration. So I Michayla declare my own personal manifesto to you the public, but I have another name for my manifesto and that is a testimony. A testimony or manifesto is a powerful and dangerous thing, all through history men and women have been punished for declaring their manifesto but I would rather be with them than be a coward who does not stand for what she knows to be true. Before I put forth my manifesto there is something else I need to do, and that is to declare my core, the very foundation of what I believe. Every person has a core to start their personal manifesto for me it is a series of scripture; The Bible, The Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. All very true books of scripture that have laid forth my foundation. So here go:
The Godhead:
At the very base of what I believe is the Godhead but I don’t see it as other religions do as one being. I see it as three separate beings; Heavenly Father (God), Jesus Christ the only begotten son of the father and the Holy Ghost. I believe this to be the very base of what I believe. I take a lot of comfort in knowing that I have a loving Heavenly Father and that I am one of his children. I take comfort in knowing that I have a big brother in Jesus Christ who gave his own life and atoned for my sins so that I may return to that wonderful Father! I take even more comfort in knowing that because I have taken upon the name of Christ I can have the Holy Ghost with me always. I cannot physically, mentally or spiritually see how they can be one being with all they have done. If they were one being I personally would not be able believe in them as strongly as I do, I don’t see if I could love each of them as much as I do if they were all one being. I have felt the spirit manifest to me that they are three separate beings of one heart meaning that they are not one but one in purpose.
I know God is my father and we are all his children. Despite what some think he is not a mean God he is a kind merciful loving father who wants his children to come home. I am a God fearing girl but not in the way of fear but in the way respect, when I say I am a God fearing person it does not mean he scares me it means to me that I respect him and that I am nothing except through him. I Michayla am nothing except through him then I am everything. I am proud to call myself a daughter of God. If I ever need his guidance I always have an unlimited line of prayer and personal revelation, that has proved helpful in many situations.
Jesus Christ is my Savior and redeemer. He came to this Earth and he suffered death and pain so that I can go home. Even more than death he atoned for every single sin and he took upon himself every single pain of the world so that we can repent and go home. So that we would have someone to turn to when feel our worst. He gave us the ultimate sacrifice, the ultimate gift. All he asks of us is that we use that gift daily.
The Holy Ghost is known to me as the comforter or our spiritual guide. I know that when I was baptized and took upon myself the name of Christ I received the full companionship of the Holy Ghost, but we all can have him with us, but only when we act in a way that the spirit can dwell with us. I know The Holy Ghost is sent to me by my Heavenly Father so that I can have direction and comfort through some of my worst times.
The Plan of Salvation:
What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Where did we come from? Where do we go after we die? These are four seemingly basic questions but on the contrary they are some of the most complicated questions known to man. For the past thousands of years we have asked ourselves and contemplated in great depth these huge questions. I know it to be true that all of these questions are answered in this simply laid out plan that was brought by our Heavenly Father it covers each of these questions perfectly and so many more.
How did this plan come to be?
Before we all came to Earth there was a war in heaven. A war that was fought by us over two different plans for us the first was Heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation the second was Lucifer’s plan of almost slavery, his plan was a plan that would ensure a safe trip home, but there was a catch we would never get to choose it would all be chosen for us we would never know right from wrong, we would never get to live. In Lucifer’s plan he would see to it that all the glory would come his way. Heavenly Father’s plan was The Plan of Salvation, the plan for us to come to Earth receive a body of flesh and bone and to receive free agency, the knowledge of right and wrong, we would have the opportunity to choose and to live and work our way to home. Included with this plan there would have to be a child of God who would be willing to come to earth go through the same process of life and then have to give the ultimate sacrifice. He would have to atone for our every sin and pain, then he would have to suffer and die for us and then be resurrected from death, all this would become the ultimate gift to us his brothers and sister so that we could repent and return home one day. In this war in Heaven Jesus Christ stood to be that son of God to do all that for us, but because of his love for his father he give all this glory to him. Now after these two plans were presented we were given a choice of which side to take. We are here today so we.
Chose to follow the father.
What step by step is this great plan?
The plan of Salvation starts at home in the
*pre-mortal existence: Where we start in a spiritual state still with the father.
*The veil: Or spirits pass through to forget that of the heavenly life.
*Earth: We come here to Earth and receive a body of flesh and bone like the father. We receive our free agency to have opportunity to choose good from evil. We are placed with an Earthly mother and father. We go through many trials to test us. We go up and down in good and bad things.
*Death: Our Spirits leave our bodies here on Earth but live on!
* Spiritual Paradise/Prison: Our spirits go here till the second coming. Spirit paradise is almost a pre heaven to those who have accepted Christ completely they spend time teaching others and learning and progressing. Spirit Prison is for the souls who have not accepted Christ, they are taught and given more chances to come unto Christ. Both places are here on Earth.
*Second coming/Resurrection: Christ comes to the Earth again in great glory. Every person who has ever lived is resurrected and rejoined with their bodies.
*Judgment: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” We are judged for what we did on Earth then placed in one of four places for Eternity.
*Outer Darkness (Hell): For those who are truly evil. Sons of perdition. Deny the Holy Ghost! The Really bad guys!
*Telestial kingdom/Glory of the stars: Much like Earth. For those who did wrong on Earth. Did not accept Christ. Can not dwell with the father. Still very wonderful.
*Terrestrial kingdom/Glory of the moon: Much better than last, but still not with The Father.
*Celestial kingdom/Glory of the Sun: The most high of glories. For those truly followed Christ, Those who have entered covenants with God. You dwell with the father.
So there is a very small definition of this wonderful plan. I know with every fiber of my being that this plan is true. I have seen it in my life, I have seen how the knowledge of this plan has brought great peace to those in deep trials. I am reminded of past tragedies I have experienced. I look at three main tragedies and their differences all were cases with youth deaths; Emily, Kjersti and the Graves family; Laura, Kaleb, Kelsey and Cameron. In these three tragedies I watched very closely my fellow peers as we all grieved together, I watched those who had this knowledge of a Plan of Salvation and of God and Heaven and there was hope for them, they knew deep down that everything would be okay and that we would all be together again. I then watched those who didn’t have any knowledge of what was to come. I honestly don’t know what hurt worse the deaths of those we were grieving or the people who didn’t know, they truly had no hope you could see it you, could feel it, they were so lost, they truly believed that their friends were gone forever, that was it. These experiences have changed me and have manifested to me in more ways then I can ever express, it's through these times that I have truly found myself.
Family is the key, the key to human life and to God’s Plan. We are all children of God which makes us all family spiritually. Heavenly Father saw family as being so important that he put into his plan the idea that we all come to Earthly parents. Family and knowledge are the only things we will take with us after we die, but only if we are sealed to our families in his temple. When a man and women are sealed to create an eternal family they make a three way covenant with Heavenly Father. It is a powerful thing to be sealed to your family. It puts a Permanent block on those sad wedding words said “till death do you part” because it goes beyond into eternity. I feel the family is the most important thing we have. It is something that is being lost today, Satan knows full well that if he takes down the family he can take down the Plan. That is why we are seeing such a strike against the traditional family. This is why we need to fight more than ever before to keep Heavenly Father’s idea of family.
I could go on all day preaching to you of what I believe, but I have given you a base of what I know. I have a deep testimony of these things and they are at my foundation. I testify of all things to be true and I will go to the grave defending these truths. I pray to Heavenly Father every day and give thanks for the knowledge and understanding I have. Without belief we are nothing, without God we are nothing, through him we are everything.
I encourage everyone to go and write their own manifesto it can be a powerful thing!
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