I am currently reading a very good book. It's a book that all men and women should have to read especially those who are searching for themselves and for a partner. Anyway the book is about finding the real heart of a man. It's meant for guys but I think it's just as helpful for women, it helps us girls know how we can assist in renewing the hearts of our men. It also helps us see how we as wives, mothers, sisters, friends are de-masculating the men in our lives and how they are letting it happen. We live in a different society a society that is ruled by technology and appearances. The heart of a man a heart of honor and chivalry is being long.
Where are the dragon slayers? Where is chivalry? Has it died or is tucked deep in the hearts of men? That is the questions this book answers. It helps its reader realize the the loss of the real men. It's quite sad especially as a young girl to see how the real men are being lost and put down by society. When I talk to other girls my age looking for their prince charming they are looking for a sensitive men who is caring and sweet, even without examining if that is really the most important quality that they want in a man. So many want an Edward a man that will love them no matter whether they put forth effort or not. Blah I say, WHERE ARE THE REAL MEN? Where are the John Wayne's, the Captain Americas the of the world? The MEN of real heart, adventure, strength and so much more. That's the kind of guy I wish we had more of. The ones that aren't afraid to fight to work to live. I'm so tired that society has filled men with fear and created guys that are only about words and never about action. They talk adventure but have they ever been close to death have they ever gone out and found their true heart of a man?
This has been one of my biggest struggles with life right now as I enter this world of dating a potential marriage that there are dwindling numbers of real men in the world. I know they are out there though I've met them I know many but some still hide their hearts from a world of hatred and femininity. Which brings me to my next point, us girls. We are destroying our men and in return we are destroying ourselves. We are not meant to be men we are meant to be equal companions. We both have skills to bring to the world skills that the other doesn't have for a reason. Girls go look at my blog on mothers an see how truly special our skills are. We must not undermined in our abilities simply because we are girls, we must see the beauty in them because we are women. Stop this idea that men and women are exactly the same, we are equal in our abilities but not the same in them. Girls we need to change ourselves to help make our men stronger. You may think you want an Edward to watch you sleep at night but I submit that your heart as a women doesn't want that. Deep down women want a man that will fight for their damsel. We want to be swept of our feet and be protected, even if we think we can do it ourselves there is nothing wrong with wanting to be swept away and fought for. You know it's true ladies so stop denying it.
So here's my challenge for today and forever. Boys become men, go on adventure stop talking and start acting, fight for the damsel in distress, find your heart. Girls become women, don't just look for any man look for a real man that will fight for you and sweep you away. Give them something to protect, back off let them be men and have their adventures and have their rights as men. In my opinion the way a women can show her true strength is by embracing her womenhood and letting her man fight for her. By no means are you being weak. Men keep in mind that the women wants to be fought for but don't make the adventure all about her bring her into your adventure.
I think this is my favorite part of Wild at Heart he says: "A women doesn't want to be the adventure; she wants to be caught up into something greater than herself. Our friend went on to say,"I know myself and I know I'm not the adventure. So when a man makes me the point, I grow bored immediately. I know that story. Take me into one I don't know." I love that part which is why it's probably my favorite.
So I talked about Edward and how much I dislike him. Who are fictional examples of real men? First is my favorite, John Wayne! He is a real man. He is strong and honorable he is not afraid to fight for the girl and anything else he believes in. He is strong and tough as hell but he has a passionate romantic side to him as seen in The Quiet Man when he grabs her and kisses her in the rain. I want more John Wayne's in the world real men who work hard and have tasted death and the true love of a real women. Another very recently popular man I love is Captain America. He is strong and packs a punch but boy does he have heart. A little more tender than John Wayne but still a real man that has reason to live, to fight, to have adventure. So as I end another rant of Michayla I give a call for men to become dragon slayers and women to be the princesses!
Have a good day!
LOVE THIS. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm kind of a dragon slayer. ;)