Saturday, January 5, 2013

betrayal... trust no more...

I want to talk about betrayal. It's not a happy topic but it's one that has taken precedence in our world today and in my mind. Betrayal... what an extremely painful term... In my mind one of the most painful things we can ever go through. For those who have been betrayed by someone close to them, they understand this pain... The agonizing of wondering what you could have done to have this trust battered. Betrayal is an evil human reaction dictated by Satan to turn us against those we love most. Betrayal comes in multiple ways but In the end betrayal is pure evil and we should do all in our power to avoid committing this pain to those around us.

With betrayal there has to be trust. Now if you are like me, you really really like your walls... It takes a lot to trust, to build that bond and to open up yourself to another. Especially for those who have experienced this pain before. Which is probably all of us. When you start to trust you put yourself out there to potentially hurt yourself again. It's quite barbaric way of life, but our hearts still long for interaction with other humans. Deep down we have that love for one another that causes us to reopen again. Sometimes suddenly there is a stab to the back so we put the walls up again even harder with the thought to never open again....

So why do we wield this painful weapon? Yah I say a weapon because it hurts... Not necessarily in a physical way but a penetrating heart break way! Well we are all human and we let Satan into our minds and into our own walls. When that happens those natural human emotions take hold, like greed, control, anger, pride, victim mentality etc... When those take our hearts we become tools in the hands of Satan and we end up going against the Father and the ones we love most.. alright Matthew 22:37-39:

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt alove the Lord thy God with all thy bheart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy cmind.
 38 This is the first and great acommandment.
 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt alove thy neighbour as thyself.

To love God and our neighbor are the greatest commandments... Don't you think Satan will do what he can to attack the greatest of all commandments?  He is going to do all in his power to cause us to hurt ourselves and even worse hurt those around us. So when we let these human emotions into our walls we wield the weapon of betrayal... I have seen first hand in my life the pain of when this weapon meets it's contact. I know the pain of betrayal, not only that but I know as a human I have had my own moments of betrayal, we all have....

So I would submit that betrayal comes in different forms. I think that depending on what human emotion is in control that will reflect the severity and the depth of the betrayal. So who has betrayed you? Like I just said betrayal cannot happen without some level of trust, obviously the level of pain will go hand in hand with the level of trust you gave that person. Some of the greatest and most painful betrayals will come from those closest, a best friend, a lover or maybe even a mentor... There is one more that we don't always see and that is the betrayal of ones self. That's right I submit that the worst comes from ourselves. We talked about those walls... When we betray our own souls we place a personal attack from the inside. It's never a betrayal that we expect until the damage is down... 

I know we have all felt the affects of betrayal, It's never a fun game. I know the pains of losing friends, mentors and others that I was supposed to trust. There is no question that it is an evil act that does nothing but harm... Buuuut I must say that even this harm builds to a better tomorrow... Only if we choose for the better. We can either close ourselves completely from the world and from all humanity, and become victims to the painful situation. Or we can take this pain and learn from it. We can take this and apply it to future relationships. The times I have felt betrayal still haunt me, the friends, mentors and family lost will scar my heart for all my life. I try my very hardest everyday to stand from the pain and move forward... True it has caused my walls to close even more over my heart but I have come to a place of forgiveness that I would not trade for anything and I think those experiences have taught me a lot for my future. I may have a ways to for complete forgiveness with everyone that has hurt me but I feel those I have come to terms with in my mind I could pick up with friendship tomorrow...

My greatest prayer is that we all do our best to avoid this painful interaction, but I found very recently that it is something that will continue to become even worse... I hope that I have not done anything to betray any of you, if I have I offer my deepest most heartfelt apology and I pray with all my heart that you will forgive me... I am human just like you and we will always have our moments of betrayal.

It may be rumbly and all over the place, but I hope ya'll enjoy... Have a fantastic day!! 

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