Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I hope they call me on a mission...

Hello friends! So guess who's moving back to Colorado?!?! This girl!! Guess who's not staying long...?? That's right this girl!! I have decided to serve a mission. It has been a long and very hard decision mostly because if you know me at all you know how much I over think everything. I have come to the conclusion that this is what I need to do, scratch that, this is what God wants me to do.

I am insecure, I don't always like Me I don't always see the beauty within, but I am confident in the Gospel and my unbelievable love for every person I come across. I am not going on a mission because I am not married and I have nothing up next for me. I am going because I do have so much going for me. This is hard I have built a life in Florida with two jobs that I love dearly. Not to mention the people I have fallen in love with but it's God's time.

I have had two incredible years in Florida and I feel like I have come so much closer to finding the real Me. I have found it through incredibly hard and beautiful times. I have had to be a big girl but I have had adventure doing it. I honestly feel like my heavenly Father has given me these two years to find adventure and more importantly find Me! Now it's time for Me to share this precious gift with the world. What is this gift that is so perfect and precious?

This is the true and everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ! This is the single most important thing in my life. My knowledge of the Gospel has literally saved my life more times than I will ever admit to count. It is the very foundation of everything that is Michayla. It is my light in an increasingly horrible and dark world. We are nothing without foundation. Well I am truly nothing without the Gospel! I want nothing more than to share this most foundational part of myself with the world! It will bring true peace, joy, and eternal peace of mind.

I must say this decision has been hard and in the worlds standard extremely lonely. It's amazing how much Satan knows us and knows what and who to use against us. He is dark and evil and will do anything to bring us down to his level of despair... He is getting stronger and we are all being affected by it. It seems to be one thing after another, Bam, Bam BAM!!!! He punches he blows and kicks us when we are down. Luckily we still have the choice to get up and fight or stay down beaten and victim to the world... We have the choice, and part of that choice is opposition, no matter how much Satan beats us down Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will give us the light and weapons to fight back and in the end we will conquer all evil, we just have to stand true and decide!

I want everyone around me to feel what is in my heart I want everyone to have the tools to defeat the evils of life. I want us all to feel the joy that I know is there is we ask and seek it! I have never wanted anything so much in my life, so no this is not a lonely unmarried, undecided future decision this is a long and hard thought out decision for something I love so much I am willing to give everything for it and give everything for others to have what I have. Well I do plan on covering more in the future but I wanted to tell the world what was going on! I hope and pray for adventure and more growth as I move forward with this decision to give my life to my Heavenly Father and my fellow man with all the love in my heart!

Love you all!!

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