Saturday, April 21, 2012


Warrior: a brave or experienced soldier or fighter.

I am a warrior! You are a warrior! We are all in war, both for good and for evil! Warriors are strong and courageous, they will fight for what they believe to the death. Being a warrior is a powerful calling one with which each of us have engrained in our inner soul. Some may choose to hide their inner warrior which makes it dull and less useable but one way or another we are all born with an inner warrior to face a life of pain and war. We wake up each and every morning ready to face another battle. We are brave individuals that leave the safety of our minds to enter a world full of bad guys in all forms. Each day we wake we somehow create some sort of armor to defend our hearts and souls. It's a painful obligation that will provide a fatal outcome if we do not do it! Are we putting on the right armor? Are we preparing ourselves for the right battles? Are we allowing the enemy in too much? More important than anything are we fighting on the right side?

What is the right kind of protection? 

We all have our different armors to defend us in the different battles of life. Sometimes this armor helps sometimes it hurts. There are forms of armor that are good. They are the ones that protect our inner spirit while also reflecting the morals and standards of the good part of us. 
There are other armors of emotion that hide our deepest pains and depression, those are strong and valuable, unfortunately if you leave them on too long it will begin to hurt you. You must let your emotions flow in the right times and the right places. The people who have mastered this armor hold in their emotions to the point of destruction. Emotions are not meant to be held in all the time, they sometimes need an escape. 

There are many bad armors that we use to protect us. These are damaging to our souls they will destroy us eventually. The bad armors are the Trojan horse of the adversary. They come in many common forms such as pride, addiction, anger, hate, resentment, guilt, sin etc.... We all have these bad forms of armor to make us seem cool and to fit in. These armors are hand crafted but the world and enemy to make us think we are defending ourselves. When used they give us the face of one who doesn't seem to care what others think. That we don't need to obey rules or cherish people we are too cool for that. For those that commonly use these armors only those who truly know them know their inner beauty and compassion. This armor will prove deadly to ones character. What you use to defend your inner self will eventually change you into that form of defense. 

When it comes to armor the greatest one we can have is the one that reflects our inner spirit. It's the one that lets us be who we are no matter what people say. It's the one the enemy hates the most. When you show your inner beauty you have true courage to defend yourself and over come the adversary. 

Are we fighting the right battles?

There are millions of battles to be fought everyday. Many times we tend to lean towards the easier battles, and the meaningless battles. Not only that but we tend to sometimes pick the battles that others will fight for us, which is irresponsible and pathetically lazy. Even worse then having others fight for us all the time is blaming them when that battle is lost or fought wrong. It's one of the worst victims mentalities you can have and it will destroy you in the end, not them. We must take this seriously because this is the war of our very souls. The adversary wants nothing more than to bring us down to his level. This is all very real. We cannot pick the easy battles for now and fight the hard ones later, there might not be a later. We have to be ready right this second the enemy will not wait. Lets not pick the petty things in life to fight for. We must reach deep in ourselves and bring to surface the true courage to win and fight valiantly with heads held high. When choosing our battles let us look to the meaning of the battle and the potential outcome. Is the fruit good? Will the winning of this battle bring forth good things for you and others. Or is it a battle that will bring forth bad fruit and let things into ourselves that will harm us? 

We are all going to have different battles sometimes we can have help in the fight from others who have previously fought in the same battle but in the end we have to draw the last arrow. Luckily those who choose have the opportunity to call upon a higher power to stand with us the whole way through. We have the choice to choose an advocate. This is entirely up to us, many will never choose the help of the advocate they will insist on doing it alone, I guarantee they will loose every time.Will you choose the advocate? Or will you die alone in the battle?

 What side do you defend?

We have established the armor the battle the help. Now we must discover the reason. What do you defend? Why are you fighting? You have to know every side of what you defend which means you have to educate yourself about what you defend. You also need to find the reason. Many in our lightheaded world do not know their reason they simple follow others and fight because, well that's just what they are supposed to do, but you need to discover your own personal reason, you have to find what you believe and decipher weather or not your fight and your belief match. All this goes back to my previous post about finding your character, they all link together in some way or another, when you know your character you know what side you are on. So how do you know what side you are on? It's what feels right for you and your heart. Back to the fruits if it brings forth good fruit then it's going to be the right side. This is something that one must ask and decide for themselves. 

As I rap up this long ramble of an evening blog I leave the words of one of my greatest heros Joan of Arc: 

"One life is all we have and we live as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying."

She is one of the greatest warriors of all time. There is great wisdom in what she says. I hope that we can all keep her words close to us as we discover our reason and as we fight this brutal war. Have courage keep going because we all know good will always win in the end. No matter how bad the battle seems, as long as we stand and fight for that which is good everything will work out in the end. Go fight! WIN in the name of the Father!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Very insghtful. I like two points best, at least for me. One, pick your battles. We often act like Don Quixote and joust at windmills which do not fight back, in the hope it will make us LOOK tough. Two, even if I am afraid, I need to follow my Captain into battle.
