Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Make every moment an adventure!

I feel like talking about journey and adventure, why? First of all those are two very big words in my mind. Also I am sitting here in the airport waiting to fly home to my sweet Colorado. Is there a better time?

Life is a journey, we have all heard this. There are times when the journey is fun and easy but many times we find that the journey is rough and full of trials and little "bumps in the road." What we sometimes forget is that the journey is a good thing and the "bumps" are what make it all worth it. Adventure and journey are two words that I strongly believe create our strongest character, we all know how much I love character! Not only does the journey build us and make us who we are it also takes us to our destination, let's just make sure we keep our sights on through the whole journey and not only focus on the destination.

The first part of the journey needs to be the why? Why do we have this journey? Why do we go through all the crap of life? And even more important what is the destination? We should all have a reason that we journey we need to have a focus, a destination. This in and of it's self is a journey but that is the beauty of journey's, they all somehow connect to form one. They build on each other. I have found my destination I want to return home to my Heavenly Father in his Celestial Kingdom, so now it's time to continue on. I have found the destination and through finding the destination I have found reason to continue. As you read and contemplate ask yourself about your destination. Is it one you found for you? or Did someone else find it for you? Is it really what you want? All important questions that we many time neglect. We get so wrapped up in the conveyor belt of our own little world that we forget to stop and ask, why am I doing this? How did I find this road? Please I beg you to find your reason and see if it's truly the journey you need to be on.

So we have the destination now it's time for my favorite part, the preparation! We have to prepare ourselves mentally and physically for the journey of life. We have to make sure we have all the tools we need to succeed, trust me we are given plenty of chances and resources to prepare, we just let ourselves get lazy sometimes. We have to be prepared for whatever could happen. Growing up in the mountains in a well prepared knowledgeable family has made me realize the importance of always being ready for anything. For me and my journey I have found spiritual tools and knowledge and I know that my Heavenly Father will put many more resources along my path if ever I am getting low on my supplies. Mentally I have taken the time to learn and have experience to help me be prepared for the hard times.

So we got the destination, the tools and knowledge. Now it's time to get ourselves going, we are not getting anywhere by sitting. The journey is long and hard there is temptation, pain, suffering, detours, shortcuts everything you can think of and experience. If we are well prepared we can concur the hardships, but there will be many times when we fall or stray or maybe we just don't have the tool for the job. This is normal and good for us to learn, but that's the key to moving forward Learning! I think that is when we get the most lost is when we choose not to learn and seek for an easier way. Guess what? There's not one, the easy way will end up being the hardest longest way and sometimes it won't take us back to our path.

We have to make sure that we don't completely avoid the hardships because those are the biggest adventures. Adventures and experiences are the best parts of the whole thing they prepare us for later and give stories to tell for when we arrive. We as humans need danger in our lives to keep our souls alive. We yearn to learn and we learn best through experience. So be sure to let the adventure come and look at every moment as an adventure. I promise it will make the journey a million times better! One thing I am also trying to work on is avoiding consistency, I do too much of the same stuff all the time. We all do we all like what's comfortable. As you go on make sure you do new and different things, make sure you "stop and smell the roses" again ENJOY THE JOUNEY! Open your eyes and see the beauty that surounds you each and every day.

I want to talk about another very important part of your journey. People! You need to connect with others and create true relationships. True this is your journey but one of the biggest parts of this and the learning will come from the people you cross paths with. Not only that but we are not meant to travel alone we are meant to have buddies as we go along. Sometimes we will lose them and they will go a different direction, but we will always have others close by watching us and continuing with us. For the greatest success we need to make these relationships meaningful and deep. We have to let others in to our hearts so that we can grow and work of each other. It's another way to keep ourselves prepared. Yes people will hurt us, at times it will feel like the rip your heart out but this is just another way we grow and prepare for next time. It may hurt at times but there is no denying we have to have companions on this journey. Of course our Lord, our higher power should be the one we stick with the most. This includes building a meaningful relationship with whoever they are. For me I work daily to keep my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost as my close personal friends. I speak to them and they are my ultimate guides after all they are the ones who have laid out my chosen path. They also bring with them unending strength and help and the greatest companionship one can ask for. In the end we can't and won't be alone unless we work hard to chose loneliness even then someone is always watching waiting to be our companion!

We all are going to fall we all are going to drift and find ourselves in troubling situations but I know if we keep our sights right and prepare ourselves with the right tools we come out on top and we will succeed in our journey. I hope that we can all think on our lives and what we have traveled thus far. Are we headed to the right destination? Have we allowed for the experience? Have we enjoyed the random beauty? Have we chosen to learn? Do we chose and keep the right companions? Do we have a constant friend in our Heavenly Father? All questions to ponder and think on as we continue on in the journey of life!

Have a wonderful evening and I hope you all will work hard to enjoy the journey and do your best to make ever moment an adventure!

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