Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My God is my God your God is your God... well then who goes to hell?

So something that has weighed heavily on my mind lately is judgement. I judge you judge, I get it we are all going to judge because guess what? We aren't perfect! I enjoy the study of politics and current events, weird I know, a young person who watches what is actually happening. One thing that I always watch is religion, not just on the news but in everyday life. I have noticed something that has progressively become an issue, that is judgment, I'm talking hard core if you don't believe this you will go to hell judgement. It has always been around I know that, but if you sit back and notice we are becoming increasingly "puffed up." That my friends is just not good.

What really frustrates me is the judgement of hell. Time and time again I hear people placing harsh judgement on the heads of others because they believe in something a little different or maybe they have done certain wrong things. I am not in anyway saying that doing bad things should be pushed to the side, but it is not our place to place judgement of heaven or hell upon their head, that duty belongs to someone else.

Alright on to the real reason for writing this post. The difference and judgement between religions. This one particularly makes me angry. I watch on the news, radio and in person the hatred between religions. I feel like it is getting worse in our troubled society. I don't understand how a person of one sect can look at another and tell them that because they don't believe in Jesus they will go to hell... What if they are a good person? A person who serves, a person with a strong religious family, a person that does everything they can to serve in the name of their God? Why do they have to go to hell? A resent awe-ha moment has affected me very deeply is found in the scripture:

Matthew 7: 20 "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."

This short and sweet scripture has spoken volumes for me recently as I struggle with people and decisions in my life. This scripture works for every aspect of life. Recently when I am presented with a problem that has two sides I try and tell myself this scripture. I look at both sides of the argument and I look at the "fruit" does it feel it yield good fruit? or does it yield bad fruit? It has been extremely and intensely spiritual way of looking at things.

I apply this to those who are judged and those who judge... Are their fruits good? If so how can they possibly be on their way to hell. I will state this now, It is not our place to judge. We must all understand that all pains all sins all issues are between a single person and whoever their God is.

As I sit and ponder upon these things I start to wonder about the question of what God is true. There are so many Gods to choose from, so many different ways to see life and eternity. So what one is true? How do we decide what is true? For me I decided through my experiences and through a lot of pain and asking. For others it is different, but no matter what we will all find something or someone to believe in. Just as much as judgement is a part of human nature that is how much belief is, every human believes in something. It's the way we go through the bad, it is what creates the inner character of a man or women. So why do we get to judge what brings people hope and joy? I have ultimately decided on one fact for me as a religious judgmental human being... Any God or belief that brings forth good fruit must be good in spirit, I will leave all judgement to them and their God. I want to add one my bit to chew on... Do not be offended, just think, maybe just, maybe if you bring all these Gods of good fruit together they can all be one God...

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